Father and Son

Father and Son
Their first walk together.

Both T's at the pasture gate

Both T's at the pasture gate
T2 isn't sure about the goats. They look a little scary.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Roller Coaster?

It has been a very busy week. We have been moving! Just part of the clan! The girls have been moving from upstairs to downstairs and C has been doing the reverse. This seems to have taken care of the closet monsters. Evidently C is meaner than an old monster.

Marshmallows? No, moth balls. Grandma put them in her flowerpots to ward off the squirrels. T2 saw them and decided they are marshmallows. Now I have to worry that someone will slip out and taste one. I explained that they are poison, for all the good explaining will do.

We have to new babies in the barn, girls! Brigdet gave us to cute little girls yesterday afternoon. Everytime I watch a baby being born, I am amazed. We watch the doe for months, noting the slightest change. The closer her due comes the more cautious we are. Then suddenly she stops grazing and resting and starts preparing for her babies. She separates herself from the herd, finds a quiet place, and paws the ground to soften their landing. It can take a few hours of contractions or just a few minutes. But as soon as the babies are here, Mom cleans them and they stand to find her milk. Less than an hour after they are born, they are playing and eating, Mom is grazing, and everything has fallen into place.

Court didn't go as planned. The judge sides with the mom. She thinks that the mom should have more opportunities to neglect, drug, and mistreat her kids. Plus if she can't have them, the judge wants the family, all druggies, to take them. This is going to be long and hard. it may end up in heartbreak. This judge is willing to separate the children, something no one else wants. For now we will love them and take care of them. But mainly we will wait.

1 comment:

  1. i'm praying for you guys. there are so many risk in adoption...risk that need to be taken for the sake of a child's safety and being raised in a Godly home.
    know this: God loves them more than ANYONE on earth does. He knows what the outcome will be. No matter what, He is, and always is in control. (please feel free to repeat this to me as needed)
    opening your home to these children will forever be imprinted on your hearts, no matter what the outcome God has planned. They will forever be your babies...just as all the children I have nannied and cared for over the years.
    I'm praying that you will love fearlessly ...if a day, week, or lifetime.
    Hugs and Prayers!
