Father and Son

Father and Son
Their first walk together.

Both T's at the pasture gate

Both T's at the pasture gate
T2 isn't sure about the goats. They look a little scary.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Lessons

During all the rush to prepare, I lost sight of the real purpose of celebrating Easter. Five little baskets sat in my den waiting for five bright pairs of eyes. There were baskets for all the rest of the family as well, but those five were special. Not because they held anything expensive, just a little candy and a few cheap toys. They were about new beginnings and experiencing changed lives. God showed me little lessons all day long. Praise God!

B, the oldest, got a Bible, a hot pink one. She squealed and yelled, "I got my own, real Holy Bible!" Then she danced around the room singing about her Holy Bible. She plans to read all of it, starting now! I wish we all were that enthusiastic about God's Word.

T2 fumbled through her basket and found a little piece of candy and another and another and another. Each time she became more excited. That is what God does for us. when we look for His Will, He gives us a little piece to hang on to and follow. One little piece at a time He shows us His plan for our lives and the excitement builds.

K gently examined the contents of her basket, amazed with what she found. What God has planned for us is far greater than anything we could ever imagine for ourselves. He is so good.

N had to be coached with his basket. He wasn't sure that he was allowed to take things out of it. Maybe it wasn't really his. I do this with God. I second guess God instead of stepping up without question. Sometimes I must miss the blessing He has in store for me.

F sat with her basket which had only 4 little items. Her eyes were huge and her smile spread across her entire face. She bounced with excitement. It didn't matter that she only had a little, she was happy with what she had been given. That was God reminding me to be thankful for what I have both physical and spiritual. I have all I need and can handle.

Then at church I sat in awe as I watched snips from "The Passion of the Christ" and later watched as hundreds of people got out of their seats and walked down the aisles to become followers of Christ. That is Easter. Eggs and bunnies aren't what it is about. They are fun things to do as long as I can keep them in perspective. Changing lives and new beginnings: Easter.

1 Peter 1:3[ Praise to God for a Living Hope ] Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

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