School is out today. There is more conflict with B. She simply refuses to submit to authority. The honeymoon is over! I am going to have to dig in my heels. This morning there was fighting and nasty talk upstairs. Of course everyone except B did it. Strange how none of that goes on when B isn't here. She is an instigator.
Nap time is another issue with B here. I don't think she does anything; however, the other two girls try to talk to her and want to get into her bed. B doesn't have to nap. She just has to sit quietly and not keep the others awake. Disobeying that results in having to bring her pillow downstairs and sleep in an empty corner. Needless to say she doesn't usually bother the others during nap. ...She just managed to make a liar out of me. She has been down the stairs 3 times in the last two minutes. I need nap time. It allows me to put myself back together. With everyone quiet, I can read, clean house, wash clothes, or visit my computer. Today I chose the computer.
It is T1's birthday. She is 18! Last week I was pushing her in the stroller and carrying around an apnea monitor. May how time flies. Tonight we go to my oldest child's,M, house. She and my SIL are planning a little party. We are having hot dogs, cake and ice cream. M has to work late so looks like I will be picking up the goodies. The rest of my day is wasted. After nap, we'll have to hurry and dress. Then I'll go to the store for items for the party. Next, we will go pick up Mother if she feels like going to the party. She doesn't drive any longer because her arm is useless and she is always in pain.
Just for the record, there are 3 little girls with their pillows laying in three separate corners of downstairs. Two of them are asleep.
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